Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV
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This site deals with the interpretation of God's word.  There is only one interpretation but many applications of God's true word.  They require different procedures to reach each since it is impossible to start from one source, the Bible, and arrive at two different destinations (one interpretation and many applications) using the same procedure.  Please see www.pa-pame.org for KJV-1611 based, doctrinally conservative lessons on the application of Biblical truths.

If this is the first time that you accessed this site, it is highly recommended that you use the Help  Menu link to read many things which will make finding and accessing information on this site considerably easier.  I write this because I get a report on people using the search function and many of the things that people search for are links accessed by clicking the proper Main Menu item and using the links provided is faster than using the search function.  In addition, there are things built into this site to make it easier to use than any other Bible research site that I know of.  However, people will not use those features if they do not know about them.

Basic doctrine used on this site:

The most powerful being that exists is the God who wrote the Bible as our 'instruction manual for life'.  God gave us each a free will and a brain.  Those who refuse to use their own free will or their own brain are called fools  and will suffer destruction as fools.

All of creation and all of history provide evidence of the existence of God while allowing the fool  to deny God's existence and still retain their free will because overwhelming evidence of God's existence would remove free will.  For those people who are willing to use their brain, God tells us what to do in His Bible.  He also warns us Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.  (1John 4:1).  Basically, someone who claims to represent the God of this world but proves to be a liar, or a thief or some other self-serving type of person is not to be trusted.  God's word say that He is the truth  and that He never changes.  Therefore, anyone who tells you that there are errors, changes, problems or any other similar fault in the word of God is not a true representative of the true God.

God has reveled Himself in His word and God has preserved His word in the English language, and in other human languages.  For English thinking people, He has preserved His word, without error, in the KJV 1611.  People who claim otherwise have been deceived and / or are deceiving others.  A righteous court will not hold you liable for a contract which you did not write nor agreed to by signing it.  Likewise, the God of the universe will not be held liable for some man-written or man-altered so-called bible.  However, the God of the universe has promised to honor all promises found in the KJV 1611 provided those promises are applicable to us and that we meet His requirements to receive those promises.

This brings us to the last point in this basic doctrine section.  God wrote what He meant and meant what He wrote.  Many foolish people believe liars who claim that they can hold God to something other than the literal interpretation of God's word.  Many others are also deceived by people using a wrong method to interpret the Bible and, thereby, teach doctrinal error.  This site presents God's way to get the single (God's) interpretation of God's word.  God's way of interpretation was also used to create all of the documents found on this site so that the reader can verify that God's way was used and so that the reader can verify that no other way was used.

In addition, this site consistently shows that there are no errors and no problems when God's way of interpretation is used.  This site proves this contention by applying God's way to every sentence, every verse, every phrase, every punctuation mark and every doctrinally significant word in every epistle plus much more of the Bible.  Several hundred preachers and others have been challenged for more than 10 years to prove there is any doctrinal disagreement between the doctrine found on this site and the KJV 1611.  No one ever has.  Likewise, all have been challenged to find any other commentator or source of doctrine which proves their doctrine by applying it to every sentence, every verse, every phrase, every punctuation mark and every doctrinally significant word.  No one ever has provided any contending source.

God's word tells us to prove all things  (1Thessalonians 5:21).  In order to prove  anything you must show it true in every case.  This site meets that requirement to prove that the KJV 1611 has no errors nor any conflicts, which is only possible if a perfect God controlled what the KJV 1611 contains.  Those people who would claim otherwise have not produced valid proof to back their claim.  Likewise, those who would claim that anything else is the word of God have also failed to produce valid proof.  At the bottom of every page on this site is the email address to send any disagreement with this basic doctrine.  Only valid disagreements will be seriously considered.


There are over 200 web pages on this site, not counting the 66 books of the Bible that are formatted 4 different ways.  The links at the top of every page go to Menus which allow selection of web pages with similar types of information.  A Site-Map  is available from the Site  link.  Also available from the Site Menu is the Change History.  People who have a version on their own computer should see the Change History to determine if they should download updates to their computer.  Please see the bottom of the Help page for details on downloading a copy of this site to your own computer.  Having your own copy allows all functionality, except the Search function, while you are not connected to the web.

Some of these pages are very large and (supposedly) can take a couple of minutes to load.  Since these are non-trivial study pages, such as the Punctuation format of Psalms, it is believed that they will not be accessed very often and it is expected that people selecting them will keep them up for a while.  Therefore, slow load times was deemed acceptable but the reader needs to be warned.

Most of the references to New Testament verses will go to a Book Study on that book of thr Bible.  Further navigation is explained later but the reader needs to know that when they get to the note for a particular sentence (verse), there will be a link at the top of the sentence outline which will take the reader to the matching verse within the KJV1611.  The references to Old Testament verses will go directly to the matching verse within the KJV1611.

Hebrews 11:6 says: But without faith it is impossible to Please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

I have put at least 20 hours / week into studying God's Word since 2000.  Very few people are as diligent.  Above you see the promise of God which is the basis for my personal study and all that is on this site.  God gives spiritual gifts  to men and tells them to use those gifts  to be a blessing to His church.  The main spiritual gift  that a preacher has is wisdom.  The main spiritual gift  that you will see on this site is understanding.  While preachers and most Bible sites tell you how to apply the word of God to your life, this site gives you the understanding  of God's Word.

There are many applications of God's Word, but only one interpretation.  People are starting to claim that there are many interpretations because of the doctrinal error of preachers claiming that an application is the interpretation.  We have one God preserved Bible (not man written / copyrighted) in the English language, which is the 1611 KJV.  In order to have only one interpretation but to also have many applications, and both based upon the single 1611 KJV, there must  be separate procedures for finding the application and for finding the true interpretation.  The reason that most commentaries skip verses as they go through a section of the Bible is because they are using a 'less than perfect way' to interpret the Bible and end up with conflicts with what their method produces from other places within the Bible.  This site teaches, and uses, God's perfect way  which produces no conflicts , and can be used by anyone to produce the same results from the 1611 KJV, even when they have never read the results that are published here.  In addition, to there being over 200 pages on this site, there are over 6,000 verses interpreted with over 90,000 links (cross references) on this site.  (Scripture interprets scripture.)  I believe that this constitutes more evidence that this way works than can be found anywhere supporting any other method of interpreting the Bible.  'God said what He meant and meant what He said'.

The large quantity of links used on this site causes the Search Sites (Google, etc) to skip this site and not list anything on it because of the belief that only spammers provide so many links.  It also means that there are far more Bible study aids (scripture cross references, etc) than you will find on most sites.  Where Bible references are provided for the reader which come from another source, they are (almost) never converted to a link.  Where references have been personally researched and verified and come from this site, those references are turned into a link that, when clicked, will go to the verse in the Bible or to another Study on this site which has a lot more linked which are all related to the subject being covered.

Why this site.

Anyone who is familiar with what has happened in the U.S. over the last 50 or more years has to admit things are worse than they used to be and things are getting progressively worse fast.  Lots of people have lots of solutions, most of which have caused our current problems.  While many people claim that their expert / solution is far greater than that from anyone else, such a claim is like comparing one ant hill to another in front of Mount Everest.  (Our ability is the ant hill while Mount Everest represents Jesus Christ working through a person.)  NO ONE can compare to the God of the Bible and no solution can be compared to His solutions.  While there are papers on this web site that deal with that claim, it is not the purpose of this site.  (It is just background info ;-)

The KJV 1611 Bible is a perfect picture of a perfect God.  There are some people who deny this never-changing truth.  However, when you back them into a corner and tell them to prove their claim, it turns out that they have nothing more to back their mouth than their opinion.  They believe that some man written (copyrighted) book is more reliable than the Bible which has been backed by miracles.  I have personally met several of these big-mouths and have yet to meet one that didn't shut up while around me after I told them that I was going to pray for the God of the Bible to put their babies through some of the things that I have been through and let them prove  their claims.  (Please see below for what I mean.)  In 1Thessalonians 5:21 we read Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.  God gave us many good  things including a country where divorce was rare, people knew what the Bible was, and our political leaders carved Bible verses into the stone of government buildings.  However, we are not holding fast  to these things because while people claim to prove  things, all that they prove  is that they are a liar or believed a liar and are passing on a lie as God's truth.  I'm not saying that they are bad people, only that they do not actually prove  their claims while insisting that they do.

I grew up in one of the main neighborhoods that got Detroit the name of  'The Murder Capital of the U.S.'  People there would say 'Put Up or Shut Up' when they meant 'Prove your mouth or I will hurt you' and they were not so stupid as to bring a knife to a gun fight.  I have personally been told by the doctors that I was dying and they couldn't do anything about it at least 5 times in my life.  Twice I was told that I died and was revived.  I believe that I have had over 20 operations and have had at least 10 years (probable over 20 years) that I was in enough physical pain to get prescription pain medicine.  In the past, doctors have insisted that I needed a major back operation and that I couldn't walk without it.  The last time I spent about 2 weeks in the hospital several doctors and others who denied that there was a God said that they could not deny that I had several miracles while under their care.  I am walking fine and a more recent MRI shows that the back bones are in perfect alignment.  However, I also have Post-Polio and Diabetes which make me permanently disabled.  In spite of that, God is sending me to a third-world country to serve Him.

So when I tell people that if they don't 'Shut Up' that I will pray for God to let them prove their doctrine (by putting their babies through what I have personally experienced), they refuse my challenge.  They are not sure that their doctrine will actually produce a life saving / restoring event (miracle) for their own babies.  While they are willing to risk the lives of your loved ones, they will not risk their own.  (If the doctrine isn't enough to back with a physical life, why would anyone risk their eternal soul on it?)  In every case the other person has shut up and walked away when the lives of their loved ones were at risk before the God of Creation.  They will talk behind my back but not to my face.  They claim to believe a doctrine that is more important than life, but will not back their doctrine with their life or the life of their baby.

In Luke 12:4-5 Jesus said And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do.  But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him.  If someone won't back their mouth with the life of their babies, then you are a fool to risk going to Hell,  or letting those who are depending on you going there because you based your doctrine on an unreliable source.  In 1Peter 1:23 we read Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.  Something that is incorruptible  can not be corrupted, can not have any error, and is only possible because it comes from, and is maintained, by the God of Creation.  However, as important as that subject is, it is not the reason for this site.  Yes, there are papers which deal with that subject, but that subject is not the main reason for this site  (More background info :-)

If I have an incredibly reliable measuring tape, but use it the wrong way, I will end up with the wrong answer for something that I am trying to measure.  We have an incredibly reliable highway system that consistently leads me to Florida, Canada and Iowa.  However, if I don't use this system the right way, I will not get to my desired destination.  Likewise, we have an incredibly reliable Bible but people are arriving at the wrong conclusions because they use it the wrong way.

Within the Bible we find that God has a lot to say about His way.  All of these things fall within three main categories:
  1. God's way  to understand His Word.
  2. God's way  to have Him work in your personal life.
  3. God's way  to have Him work through your life to minister to others.

It is critical to understand that there are three different results which are arrived at by each of these three different ways.  Further, each of these ways  is found within the Bible.  Just as you will never get to Iowa (from Detroit) by following the way to Florida or by following the way to Canada, so also will you NEVER get the full correct understanding by following God's way  to have Him work in your personal life or by following God's way  to have Him work through your life to minister to others, unless you use God's way  to have a perfect understanding  of His perfect Word.  Yes, you can get a partial understanding using another way,  but the Bible teaches that such partial understandings lead to doctrinal error and, eventually, judgment from God.

Thus, we come to the reason for this site.  It is to show that God's way  to understand His Word uses methods that always work and that always work the same way.  Many people have offered solutions for the problems currently experienced in the U.S., but their solutions are short lived because they only deal with surface issues while the problem is foundational.  Our true foundation, according to the Bible, is not just the Bible but also includes God's way  to use the Bible.  However, men claim that it is only the Bible because they want to claim the authority of the Bible while having everyone follow their personal 'way'.

Religions preach about how to have God work through your life to minister to others, and there are many differing opinions preached.  This site tries very hard to avoid those arguments which will go on until people personally face God.  Religions also claim to preach God's way  to have Him work in your personal life.  The answer from religion led to Prohibition and motivated many religious terrorist acts throughout history including what goes on today.  Reformers Unanimous teaches this subject using God's way  that is found in the Bible and that is different from what most religions teach.  Where the methods taught by most religions have proven to be failures, the method taught by Reformers Unanimous has a measured success rate of over 75%.  This site recommends other sources for how to learn God's way  to apply His Word to your own life and to the lives of other people.  This site tries to stick to God's way  to understand His Word.

There are lots of religions, men and other groups that claim to know God's way  to understand His Word.  The results is a division over religious doctrine that makes the Corinthian Church seem positively spiritually mature and united when Paul wrote his first letter to them.  They were divided because their methods depended upon men and we are divided today because current methods of understanding the Bible depend upon men.  However, we do not have these conflicts over the answer to a Math problem because the rules of Math came from God, ignore the desires of men, do not change for anything (like God never changes) and do not create conflicts between different Math solutions.  Likewise, God's true way  to understand His Word comes from God, ignores the desires of men, does not change for anything (like God never changes) and does not create conflicts between the understanding of various parts of the Bible.  This is a critical point.  All other ways that men use to understand their Bible work for many parts of the Bible but, at some point, will produce a conflict between the interpretation of one part of the Bible and another part of the Bible.  When that happens, instead of admitting that they used a wrong method, or admitting that they applied the method improperly, men avoid part of God's Word, or claim that the problem / error is in God's perfect Word.

God's way  to understand His Word is as absolute and never-changing as the laws of Math.  God's way  also has the repeatability of the Scientific Method.  We can reproduce a true scientific experiment.  We will get the same results from the same facts even years later and doing it in another part of the world and even having a different culture and language.  The same will be true if people truly use God's way  to understand His Word.

While God's way  to understand His Word allows no change, God's two other ways  do change (at one level) because they are about applying God's Word to the lives of people and each of us is unique.  Therefore, God's way  must be able to change and accommodate all of the differences in people and all of the changes that our lives go through.  (For example, God has provided healing to me more than one way at different times in my life.)  However, God's Word does not change and God does not change (Malachi 3:6Hebrews 13:8).  Therefore, God's way  to understand His never-changing Word does not, and can not, change.

Supposedly, people argued for over 100 years about if we needed a number zero or not.  Many people do not have the training that goes well beyond Calculus which is required to get into such an argument, but they can point to the millions of solved problems and determine that we need a number zero.  They can also find lots of problems that require a number zero to be solved.  Likewise, People might not understand the arguments about the right way  to understand their Bible.  However, most people should be able to understand what it means when someone says 'Here is a method that has been used to interpret over 5,000 verses which are cross referenced to over 60,000 verses with NO conflicts'.  I've met a couple of people who claimed that someone else had something else that was better but they never produced any proof.  This site has my proof  that the way  which God showed me works.  We already saw that God said prove all things..  ('Put Up or Shut Up').  James 4:17 says Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.  So, to claim to have a 'Better Way', and then not prove it or admit error, is sin  according to the Bible.

What is available on this site.

The primary things that a visitor can take away from this site are tools to aid in understanding the Bible.  While I never dreamed that I would write a text book / reference book, the majority of what God provided through the gift that He gave me would be considered reference material.  Thus, much of the material found at this site is to aid the preacher, teacher and serious student of the Bible.  For example, some of the tools that are available include:

This site is not here to promote any religion. It is here to show the fact that there are NO conflicts in the properly interpreted word of God. It is also here to help people understand how to find what the Bible literally says. May God bless your search for God's Truth.

Contact:  Webmaster@LJC1611KJV.com.  Member of Bible Baptist Church in La Carlota, Philippines.  Copyright 2009 Lord Jesus Christ in the 1611KJV.  All rights reserved. Revised: 09/19/21.